
Symfony 1.3 project:deploy (sync) task: Output not missing, it's improved (but hiding)!

Posted by ryan in symfony

Where did my Rsync output go?

For those of you who are fans of symfony's project:deploy (sync) task, you'll undoubtedly notice the lack of rsync output in Symfony 1.3. However, the output isn't actually missing - it's just hidden by default. Use the -t (trace) option to uncover it.

  ./symfony project:deploy -t production

As an added bonus, the output is now rendered to the command line in real time due to symfony's new handling of shell commands. Nice going guys!

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Posted by Fabian Barrera on 2010-04-26
Hi, I have a problem with my project and i wonder if you could help.

I'm working on my first project with symfony 1.4 (I used to work with 1.0). I export it using project: deploy, following the documentation. Upon entering, it displays the login page correctly, but when I insert the username and password (found in the BD) it generates this error:

500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException
Unknown method SfGuardUser::checkPassword

After a while, I disabled the is_secure option for the application. When testing a module built with doctrine: generate-admin it generates this error:

Fatal error: Class 'BaseSubprocesoGeneratorConfiguration' not found in /web/project/apps/backend/modules/subprocess/lib/subprocessGeneratorConfiguration.class.php on line 11

And when testing a module built with doctrine: generate-module it generates this error

404 | Not Found | sfError404Exception
Empty module and / or after-action parsing the URL "/company" (/)

So I think this is a configuration problem of some directory in symfony, but everything seems fine, with relative paths and not absolute, including the ProjectConfiguration.class.php:

require_once dirname (__FILE__).'/../lib/vendor/symfony/lib/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php ';

Symfony seems to work well, it generates the web debug toolbar and run the command in cli.

If you have any idea on what could be causing this problem and how to fix it, I'd really appreciate it.